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Bad mobile internet

Topic gestart op: 11-07-24 18h23

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Bad mobile internet

Hi, I recently moved to the Netherlands to an area where the mobile network is bad and cuts out multiple times an hour and switches between 3G and 4G, the interesting thing is that when I go back to Belgium my mobile internet remains bad in areas where it didn’t used to be a problem ever. This is particularly annoying when needing to show online tickets on the train. Recently I had a birthday too and Orange decided to give me some free GB so I activated them just before I went back to Belgium and to my surprise they are gone within days, usually it takes me a month to go through that amount. I’m really curious about what is going on here.

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Did something change at Your mobile, like for example, a new mobile cover ?

It is also known that reception, on trains are bad, as You are sitting in a metal wagon, which is also called cage of Faraday, in technical terms. Which means You are kind of shielded against 3G/4G.
Same in new buildings, where they use steel in concrete, which is also bad for mobile reception.
Solution, go close to the window.

Hope this helps a little,

Best regards,

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