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SMS from known contacts blocked

Discussion créée le: 19-02-25 14h15

Réponses: 1 réponse

Éclaireur novice

SMS from known contacts blocked

Hello everyone,

I have a rather unusual problem and unfortunately the customer service representative did not take it seriously.

The text messages that people from outside Belgium send me, even if they come from the number that I have saved in my phone, reach me from the general number 8629. Since they are sent to me by friends, they do not sign them, so I often receive the message and I do not know who sent it. I use the phone for work and it is a big problem. Has anyone had a similar problem?

The customer service representative told me that the problem is not on their side and nothing can be done.

Thank you in advance!

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Hello Shatzy,

I suppose this was done thorugh calling our 5000 number?
If you can contact our services thorugh social media you can immediately put screenshots of the received texts with them.

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