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Topic gestart op: 10-02-23 23h42
Antwoorden: 7 antwoorden
Myabo is 25 euro for 70gb why did i get my last bill of 28 euro? And how much do i pay fir 1 gb after the 70gb is used?
FYI the info is only available in Nl/Fr but translated below (but I never tried this option)
Hoe voorkom ik buiten bundel te gaan? | Orange België
Je hebt te allen tijde de keuze om het gebruik van je mobiele internet te blokkeren of niet wanneer je het surfvolume inbegrepen in je abonnement hebt bereikt. Deze keuze kan worden aangepast in de My Orange-app (“Mijn producten beheren” en “Opties beheren”) of Klantenzone (“Mijn producten” en “Opties beheren”). Deze optie is alleen van toepassing in België. Je keuze om je mobiele internet te blokkeren of niet wordt de volgende maanden bewaard.
You have the choice to block the use of your mobile internet at any time or not when you have reached the surfing volume included in your subscription. This choice can be customized in the My Orange app ("Manage My Products" and "Manage Options") or Customer Area ("My Products" and "Manage Options"). This option only applies in Belgium. Your choice to block or not block your mobile internet will be saved for the next few months.
Is it not possible to set any such data blocking limite on your phone?
Reduce & manage mobile data usage - Google Fi Help
After the 70 GB, @Maiklike you'll pay 0,10 €/MB or 100 €/GB
To see why you had to pay the extra 3 EUR, look at the detailed invoice in My Orange
100 euro for 1 gb extra or 10 euro or 1 euro ????? You have write 100 euro i can not belive that