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Credit balance

Topic gestart op: 29-01-20 12h53

Antwoorden: 2 antwoorden

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Credit balance

I've just got into your website to top up my prepaid sim card. It's temporary cause I'm only travelling around for some days. 
I've already topped up 5€ but my profile is showing a credit balance of 619.422,00€ which is beyond unbelievable. I don't even have that amount in my credit card.
It gave me a terrible shock followed by tachycardia. 
I've called your costumers support but no one knows what is going on. 
Thanks in advance, 
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@Pansardi  thats a big amount so you can call everbody 🙂

When the customer support dont now than its better to make a case and see whats wrong. Here is no customer support we are al clients off Orange so whe cant see wahts wrong. Better to call de support line 5000 en let hem find out whit a case. 

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You could send them a message via Messenger or Twitter. The advantage of this method is that you give them time to look up some things and check with some collegues. in the mean time you don't have to waste your valuable time waiting and listening to some horrible music on the phone ...

Do not forget to mention that you would like them to open case for you. This ensures a decent follow-up.

Greetings and good luck 😊

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